


Tartalom értékelése (0 vélemény alapján):

 imagine this: the world is to end
doom looming around the bend;
my thoughts, though, be only with you
such news i can take from your hands

if your hands would lie me to the grave
that swallows the weak and the brave
my last sight, though, be only of your gaze
before nirvana sets in that's all i crave

but i'm unworthy of you
my dirty delicious divine dear
in my dreams we wander thru the skies
but i'm unworthy of you down here

so hear this: i fought against this,
knowing better than to force my bliss;
but your lips are ripe with salvation
and all i'm yearning for is your kiss

if those lips would soothe me to sleep
dreams would only be soft, dark and deep
and fettered though by this ephemeral world
through your voice my soul'd be freed

but i'm unworthy of you
my heart heaving under a fear so hard,
of rejection, of losing a vain hope,
lest this unworthy man be forever scarred

conclude this: i lay down the pen
pouring out all that i cannot say again;
a wish i keep so secretly within my breast
the lifeline-hope of me, unworthy man

will you ever read this: who ever knows?
if never you do, pointless then, i suppose
but if these lines would bend your grace
for me, this would be then a worthy cause

so i'm unworthy of you
heavens might have mercy above
for though unworthy i am, with you
worthy i would be in your love


