

once upon a time

Tartalom értékelése (0 vélemény alapján):
There was a girl
over the glass mountain.
on her head many curls,
she sat next to a fountain.

there was a gold fish in the water,
but she thought, she wouldnt bother
so she didnt wish not even one
instead, tried to enjoy the sun.

but the sun made her eyes blind,
so she got a white stick, and remained kind
she was innocent and great
but she was in a serious late.

people sat next to her talking
about bad things that were harming.
she put her feet into the water
asked the fish to swim farther.

she said bare with me
while i find my footing
and wished not to be loosing
grip again.

no, dont get wet, said the fish.
shut up or you'll be a dead dish,
im just keeping my feet in!
sure and soon you'll start to bleed in...

hey fish, you wanna walk?
no, i just wanted to talk.
fish dont talk, im not crazy!
but you keep talking baby...

so she closed her mouth
and faced towards south.
she got in the line for medication
waited for the train to leave the station.

a train without engine
to hell of hells im sending
all wheels, all seats, all sounds....
Driver! Feed the iron horse!
if you stay, its getting worse
so do keep the fire alive, let the steam out
you must leave now, engine shout!
let the smoke go, its not the fuel
but end-product, which is cruel.

so there was this girl
over the glass mountain.
she lost a lamp, a fish, a pearl
in that fucking fountain.


