

2018. 03. 23.
Visegrád Konferencia fiatal íróknak - Young Lit4V4
Young Lit4V4 - Visegrad Conference for Young Writers
Tartalom értékelése (0 vélemény alapján):
Visegrád Konferencia fiatal íróknak - Young Lit4V4 2018. március 22. és 25. között a József Attila Kör a cseh Dúl Architektury, a lengyel Villa Decius Association és a szlovák szervezetekkel közösen beszélgetéssorozatot rendez Budapesten fiatal V4-es irodalmárok közreműködésével a Visegrádi Alap (International Visegrad Fund) támogatásával. A programsorozatot először rendezik meg a szervezők, és az ilyen és ehhez hasonló eseményekkel, hosszabb távon, rendszeres nemzetközi fórumot szeretnének biztosítani a térség fiatal írói számára.

A konferencia idei fő témája: "Literature / City / Responsibility". Előadást tart Tomáš Hučko (SK) a pozsonyi Kapitál című független lap működéséről és a szlovákiai helyzetről, Elżbieta Foltyniak (PL) a politikai menekült írókat befogadó városok ICORN-programjáról, workshopot tart Ian Mikyska (CZ) költő, zeneszerző, valamint Fehér Renátó (H) a visegrádi országok kultúrpolitikai stratégiáiról. Vendégünk lesz Börcsök Boglárka, a JAK Solitude-ösztöndíjasa és Nádasdy Ádám költő, műfordító, nyelvész. Az események angol nyelven zajlanak, ingyenesek, nyilvánosak, a párbeszéd nyitott mindenki számára.

A konferencia angol nyelvű programja

22. 03. 2018. Thursday

14-18h Arriving

19-21h Welcome event at the hotel

23. 03. 2018. Friday

11-11.30h Opening: Introduction of YoungLit4V4 project with the representatives of József Attila Kör (H). YoungLit4V4 – Visegrad Conference for Young Writers 2018 is a first step in creating an international platform for young literary authors of the Visegrad region to share their ideas, and experiences, learn from each other, and discuss our current literary, cultural, social, and political issues.

11.30-13h A Draft of a Cultural Political Strategy: A discussion about literary parallels and differences in V4 countries, but in another context. What is happening in the political desert, beyond the aesthetical walls? How should a literary organization be proactive on the cultural political field in Hungary? What chance do we have, if cultural policy is imagined more than funding?
Lecture by Renátó Fehér (HU) poet, PhD student at ELTE, the editor of Hévíz Literary Journal and Poetry of books: Garázsmenet (2014), Holtidény (2018).

13-14h Lunch

14-16h Capital of Kapitál: What kind of financial and personal capital do you need to start an independent monthly journal? How do you prepare a succesful crowdfunding project and what are the options of state funding in Slovakia? And how do you remain a critical medium? The lecture will deal with both production aspects and content, topics and themes of a Slovak monthly journal Kapitál.
Lecture by Tomáš Hučko (SK) translator, publicist, writer. He has translated several books from English to Slovak, published one novel, several short stories, a radio play and numerous articles on literature, film and philosophy in various czech and slovak periodicals. He used to live in Prague where he worked in Franz Kafka Society and also acted as a dramaturgist of a theatre group Studio Rote. In 2017 he moved to Bratislava and became the editor-in-chief of a critical monthly journal Kapitál.

16-18h Authors Live! Introduction of the international Solitude Scholarship Program with the current international guest of the Solitude—József Attila Kör Exchange Program the Brussels-based Hungarian dancer, choreograph, Boglárka Börcsök. The main topic of her research in Budapest is the dance and female activism in the early twentieth century. With the film makers, Lisa Rave ad Andreas Bolm they have been working on a movie project based on documentaries, interviews with these now 90 years old dancers and activists.
The Eastern European exchange program between Akademie Schloss Solitude and József Attila Kör celebrates its 27th anniversary. This program enables Hungarian authors e.g. Térey Janos, Tóth Krisztina to spend and work at the academy in Stuttgart, just authors from all over the world to work 3 months in Budapest. The exchange program is also a great opportunity for the participants to meet other artists and cooperate.

(Location: Csányi5, 5. Csányi street, Budapest 1077)

18-19h Dinner

19-22h Futurum Perfectum Finissage: A study visit to the temprorary exhibition of SYAA – Studio Gallery. Artists: Márk Fridvalszki, László Győrffy, Zsófia Keresztes, Csaba Kis Róka, Péter Lichter, Attila Szűcs. Curated by: Márió Z. Nemes poet, writer, experimental artist. Concert of BULGHUR (Budapest Horror Group), sound performance by Holt Lenszkij feat. Sunny.
About the exhibition: Postapocalyptic thought contains an anthropological and historical paradox, because it allows human rationality to observe itself after its own „disappearance”, through a posthuman optic. According to Eva Horn, this is equivalent to the apocalyptic fantasy of a futurum perfectum, in which the future is exposed as catastrophe within a present already sutured with the void of an abyssal future. The anthropological paradox emerges when we reflect upon the following question: are humans capable of reflecting on their own disappearance? Furthermore, how may the experience of disappearance and extinction be integrated into experience, if at all? Furthermore, does the futural survivor of extinction have any historicity, is it a historical being, if the human world has been reduced to a state of ruination? Can history survive the apocalypse? Or, as Walter Benjamin held, does natural history remain the sole form of historicity in the wake of catastrophe, in which humans come to be reintegrated in the form of geological layers and mineral elements?
(Location: FKSE – Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója / SYAA – Studio Gallery, 35. Rottenbiller street, Budapest 1077)

24. 03. 2018. Saturday

9-10h Breakfast

11-13h Contemplative Politics in Reading and Listening:  If we are living in an "economy of attention", then how we direct our attention through reading, looking, listening and being is crucial in constructing our relationship to the environment and being in time. I will discuss my own work and the work of others in relation to approaches (through text and listening) to ideas of the everyday, waste, impermanence of experience in self, with the goal of articulating a concept of personal contemplative politics.
Workshop by Ian Mikyska (CZ) composer, poet and translator from the Czech Republic. He makes installations, books, videos, concerts, environments, or music for theatre and video. His work focuses on topics of listening and meaning, percept and concept, contemplation, temporality, nature and impermanence.

13-14h Lunch

14-16h ICORN: The International Cities of Refugee Network is an independent organisation of cities and regions offering shelter to writers and artists at risk, advancing freedom of expression, defending democratic values and promoting international solidarity. Writers and artists are especially vulnerable to censorship, harassment, imprisonment and even death, because of what they do. They represent the liberating gift of the human imagination and give voice to thoughts, ideas, debate and critique, disseminated to a wide audience. They also tend to be the first to speak out and resist when free speech is threatened. ICORN member cities offer long term, but temporary, shelter to those at risk as a direct consequence of their creative activities. Our aim is to be able to host as many persecuted writers and artists as possible in ICORN cities and together with our sister networks and organisations, to form a dynamic and sustainable global network for freedom of expression. Lecture by Elżbieta Foltyniak expert of the Cracow Festival Office.

16-18h Authors Live! A discussion with Ádám Nádasdy (H) poet, essayist, philologist professor.
Moderated by Ferenc Czinki (H) journalist, essayist, writer.

(Location: Csányi5, 5. Csányi street, Budapest 1077)

18-19h Dinner

19-21h Study visit to Magvető Café

(Location: Magvető Café, 13. Dohány street, Budapest 1074.)

03. 25. 2018. Sunday

11-12h Sunday Brunch: Summary of the project with the coordinators and the participants
(Location: Hadik Kávéház / Hadik Café, 36. Bartók Béla street, Budapest 1111)


Tomáš Čada (CZ)

Kállay Eszter (H)

Radovan Potočár (SK)

Puskás Dániel (H)

Székely Örs (H)

Maciej Topolski (PL)

Soňa Uriková (SK)







-- PRAE.HU --

A művészeti portál 2006 óta jelenik meg, naponta friss művészeti hírekkel, tudósításokkal, és elemzésekkel, interjúkkal. Hat művészeti ág (irodalom, art&design, építészet, színház, zene, film) mellett gyerekrovata is van.

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