

2018. 01. 24.
Január 31-ig lehet pályázni a Visegrádi Irodalmi Ösztöndíjas Programra
Visegrad Literary Residency Program 2018. Call for Applications
Tartalom értékelése (0 vélemény alapján):
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Visegrad Literary Residency Program 2018: Compact Spring Edition - 1st May-12th June 2018 Regular Autumn Edition - 1st September-30th November 2018

Application and criteria

Who can apply for a scholarship?

  • writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets and literary translators with at least one book publication (min. 18 years old)
  • essayists, critics, publicists and journalists with at least 3 publications in quality newspapers, magazines or electronic media (min. 18 years old)

How to apply for a scholarship?

1. structured CV

2. description of the literary plans for the residency

3. list of publications

4. motivation letter

  • each applicant may attach other documents, recommendations etc. (in English) which she/he finds important for evaluating her/his application

What does the scholarship include?

Accommodation in a shared apartment in the chosen Host City (one-person rooms with washroom facilities and free internet access, shared kitchen) from 1st May to 12th June 2018 (Compact Spring Edition) or 1stSeptember to 30th November 2018 (Regular Autumn Edition)

A stipend of 1,125 EUR gross (Compact Spring Edition) or 2,250 EUR gross (Regular Autumn Edition)

Support from the Host Institution in preparing for the stay, in organising literary meetings, interviews and workshops as well as networking with publishers and literary critics


Criteria of selection and access to the Program

Criteria of selection:

professional approach towards literary work documented by previous texts (eg. articles, publications)

quality of the residency plans (eg. contributing to development of national and/or V4 humanistic studies, promotion of V4 literatures, expanding the number of readers in V4, stimulation of V4 cooperation in the field of literature)

credibility of residency plans presented in the application form

good reputation and clear record in cooperation with the International Visegrad Fund

readiness to participate in public literary meetings organised by the Host Institution

willingness to collaborate with other VLRP literary residents and with the Host Institution in order to enhance the V4 added value of the Program

declaration of presence at the Host Institution and their accommodation capacities during the whole residency period for the purpose of implementing the residency plans.


Access to the Program:

1. Applicants must be citizens of one of the Visegrad Group states, i.e.: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia.

2. Applicants cannot be current or former employees of International Visegrad Fund and/or any of the Host Institution.

3. Applicants must apply under legal name provided in ID card/passport.

4. Applicants’ previous projects supported by the International Visegrad Fund shall be finished and closed in the time of applying.

5. Applicants shall be granted a Literary Residency within this Program only once in each V4 member state.

6. Applicants must cover the costs of health insurance for the period of the Literary Residency by themselves.


Participating in the Program:

  • All residents selected for Compact Spring Edition are expected to be at the Host Institution on 1 May 2018 and stay until 12 June 2018. Any delay in starting residency cannot be compensated by prolongation of stay.
  • All residents selected for Regular Autumn Edition are expected to be at the Host Institution on 1 September and stay until 30 November 2018. Any delay in starting residency cannot be compensated by prolongation of stay.
  • Residents may request “Days of Absence” from residencies on condition that they do not exceed 7 days in total during the whole residency period in Compact Spring Edition and 14 days in Regular Autumn Edition.
  • In case of unexpected developments (professional or private issues), residents should immediately contact and discuss further steps with IVF and Host Institutions as it may affect the scholarship paid by the IVF.


Deadline for application: 31st January 2018 (midnight)

Results announced by IVF and Villa Decius Association: 14th March 2018


More information and helpdesk:

Małgorzata Różańska-Braniecka

Technical problems with online application:



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